👋Welcome to Artemis

What is Artemis

Artemis is the first One-Stop Trading Platform: Perpetual with up to 50x, Spot, and Prediction Markets on @Artela_Network EVM++. It offers low swap fees, minimal price impact trades, cross-margin functionality, and supports multi-asset collateral on Artela.

Artemis utilizes SupraOracle as its primary price feed oracle, supplemented by a self-updating on-chain price tracker as a secondary backup source. This dynamic pricing mechanism plays a crucial role in determining optimal positions for liquidation.

Why build on Artela

Artela is an extensible Layer 1 (L1) blockchain designed to support parallel execution and interoperable virtual machines (VMs).

At the core of Artela's technological advancements is EVM++ - the next-generation Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) execution layer. EVM++ enhances blockchain extensibility by facilitating on-chain native extensions through the innovative EVM + Aspect approach. Additionally, it supports parallel execution, which significantly contributes to blockchain scalability. This dual capability ensures that Artela not only extends functionality but also optimizes performance for diverse blockchain applications.

Building on the Artela blockchain offers several strategic advantages, particularly due to its advanced features and capabilities:

Enhanced Scalability: With parallel execution capabilities, Artela can handle more transactions simultaneously compared to traditional blockchains that process transactions sequentially. This reduces bottlenecks and increases overall throughput, making it suitable for applications requiring high transaction volumes.

Interoperability: The support for interoperable virtual machines (VMs), including the innovative EVM++, allows developers to build applications that can interact seamlessly with multiple blockchain systems. This is crucial for creating decentralized applications (dApps) that leverage assets and functionalities across different networks.

Advanced Smart Contract Capabilities: EVM++ not only supports existing Ethereum smart contracts but also enhances them with native extensions. This allows developers to write more powerful and efficient contracts, which can perform complex operations more cost-effectively.

Future-Proof Technology: By being extensible and supporting a range of virtual machines, Artela is designed to adapt to future blockchain technologies and standards. This makes it a forward-thinking choice for projects anticipating long-term growth and evolution.

Optimized Performance: The dual capability of extending functionality through native extensions and optimizing performance with parallel execution means that applications built on Artela can achieve higher performance metrics while maintaining or enhancing their feature set.

Community and Ecosystem Support: Building on a blockchain like Artela often comes with the advantage of a supportive and growing community, as well as a robust ecosystem of tools, libraries, and frameworks that can accelerate development and deployment processes.

These features make Artela a compelling platform for developers looking to build scalable, interoperable, and high-performance blockchain applications.

Last updated